Saturday, December 31, 2011
800 Miles
So, OK my goal was to walk 910 miles this year (2-1/2 x 364), but after two bad colds I had to revise it down. But I don't feel too bad having only walked 800, last year I walked 730. For 2012 I'll just keep on keepin' on.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
I've been Published - I think
At the OC Fair this summer the clubs' fair coordinator asked me to write a description of how I made the pinecone vase, for use by the fair docents. So, I wrote a couple of paragraphs. After the fair he asked me to write more, and he got a couple more paragraphs. This went on for a few weeks. He would edit and challenge me on what I had written and press for more. Finally he said he wanted to publish the article in our monthly newsletter. So here's the link: http://www.ocwoodworkers.com/ww/upload/uploads/2011-11%20OCWA%20Newsletter.pdf
The article is at the end of the newsletter (page 7) and begins on the left hand column under the first photograph.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Kevin & Nerissa's Wedding

Kathy's brother Kevin and his fiance Nerissa tied the knot at the Viva Las Vegas Wedding Chapel in Las Vegas last Saturday. This picture shows the happy couple as they exited the chapel.
You'll want to check out the photos of the wedding at the Viva Las Vegas Wedding Chapel's website under the name Bugh and the July 9, 2011 date.
For those of you who want start-to-finish details of our Las Vegas trip, here goes:
Kathy's mother Dodie joined us in Fullerton around 10:00 on Saturday morning for the car trip to Las Vegas. The trip went smoothly and, after a two hour stop at the hotel to check in and change into our wedding duds, we arrived at the Viva Las Vegas Wedding Chapel at 5:00 to see Kevin and Nerissa and their friends Ted and Dana emerging from a white limousine.
The wedding party proceeded to the reception room of the wedding chapel, and Kevin and Nerissa began signing paperwork at the front desk while Kathy, Dodie and I made our acquantenances with Ted and Dana. Nerissa's mother Pauline, dad Ernie, and other relations arrived, and the introductions continued. Soon family members were taking out their cameras and snapping photos of each other and of the bride and groom.
After the paperwork was completed, the Viva Las Vegas staff ushered us into the wedding chapel, which was furnished with a small theatrical stage and a set of pews. The chapel was dimly lit, except for the stage which was flooded with light.
An Elvis impersonator, dressed in the trademark white sequined jumpsuit, escorted Nerissa to the base of the stage, where Kevin was standing, and bounded up the steps to the stage platform, where he conducted the wedding ceremony with a Las Vegas-style panache and, from time to time, burst into songs of Elvis' hit tunes.
After the ceremony, Kevin and Nerissa exited the chapel to have their picture taken below the chapel's marque-in-lights that said, "Nerissa and Kevin."
Kathy, Dodie and I took this as our cue to exit, and we piled into our car and headed to Pampas restaurant at the Miracle Mile shopping center for the Brazilian barbeque that Kevin and Nerissa were hosting in one of the rooms that Pampas restaurant reserves for dinner parties. We expected to arrive at the restaurant before Kevin and Nerissa, but they knew a shortcut and beat us there.
Our dinner at the Pampas Restaurant was excellent. We all enjoyed the tasty main courses and sides and the great conversation. The newly married couple were all smiles and served us slices of marbled wedding cake. Afterward, we said our goodbyes and began the walk back to our car.
The next morning, Kathy, Dodie and I checked out of the hotel at 8:00 and hit the road. Thankfully, we encountered little Sunday morning traffic and arrived home by noon. Now, that's what I call a good road trip!
Kevin and Nerissa stayed over in Las Vegas and booked a helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon for Monday morning. We'll be sure to ask them how they liked riding in a helicopter the next time we see them. The views of the canyon must have been spectacular!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Orange County Fair
Last Thursday I took three pieces down to the fair grounds. When I got there, all excited and stuff, I was really impressed with the entries (competition); especially one from a friend of mine - his is really fantastic. I figured I'd be hard pressed to win anything. This afternoon I got a call from our club president, who is forever giving me a hard time for winning stuff. He said my pinecone vase (from last November) had won first place in it's division. It also got Best In Show, which I think covers all divisions, and it won Jurors Choice (I'm not sure what that covers). Then he said the vase I made and gave to Roxanne (Brads daughter) as a wedding present, also won first place in its division. So, I'm feeling pretty good right now.
The fellow down the street won first place for the piece he entered. So, the guys on Skyline Drive did pretty well for themselves this year. OH HAPPY DAY!
Friday, June 17, 2011
Carl Ogren passed on June 11
I got a call yesterday that the funeral would be today, so I went. It was funny going back to that building and seeing so many familiar faces. David and Steven Ogren spoke about their dad and did an outstanding job. Levar and Afton Adams were there and looked great. Levar is 86; just had his third pacemaker checked this morning - doctor said he'd be good for at least another 8 years. I think a few people were pretty surprised to see me. I heard that the 4th ward reunion is next Friday in Orem - we'll be in SLC then - but I think I'll miss it anyway.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
New Furniture

Thursday, February 10, 2011

So, after having half my scalp removed on November 4th... then another spot removed Jan. 4th, my doctor decides to have me remove another superficial basal cell carcinoma using IMIQUIMOD cream. Starting on Jan. 11 I'm to treat the area 5 days / week for six weeks. After the first week I had sinusitus (Kathy had a bad cold, so I figured it was from her), but I was also experiencing nausea. Of course Nyquil and Sudafed can do that to you, right? The head cold went away, but my stomach continued to feel sour constantly; plus I had no energy to do much of anything. There were other aches and pains, fever & chills - blah, blah, blah. So, finally I got the paper work out that came with the IMIQUIMOD - well guess what - all of the above are typical side effects. I have 7 more treatment days to go - plus an unknown number of days before the toxins will be flushed from my system. NOT LOOKING FORWARD TO THE NEXT TWO WEEKS.
So, for all those who have suffered days, weeks, and months of nausea - fever, chills or flu-like symptoms - bleeding, blistering, irritation, sores, swollen lymph glands, trouble urinating or any other allergic reaction - YOU HAVE MY SYMPATHY!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Bangor, Maine or Bust
OK, so I made to to Evanston, Wyoming on my way to Rapid City and then Sioux Fall, South Dakota. That'll be about 1700 miles for two years of walking. And that will be about half way to Bangor, Maine. A total of 3600 miles. So, should I go for it? Sounds pretty ambitious doesn't it. One day at a time.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
The Pillars of the Earth, by Ken Follett
Have any of you read this book? Kathy gave it to me for Christmas and I just finished it. Still thinking about what it means to me. Don't think I can remember so much treachery in one book before. Of course the good guys win in the end, but not before tons of death and destruction - yikes.
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